Monday, October 19, 2009

Rights versus responsibilities

So, I think God is trying to tell me something. I mean, I'd have to be really thick to not realise that by now, as I've done the same dumb, stupid, irresponsible thing twice now, with some serious consequences. Serious for me, perhaps not so serious for others.
And I'm slowly finding out that trusting anyone and everyone is a terrible idea, and as much as people are funny, or exciting to hang around, they are not trustworthy people.
Who'da thought huh?

It really sucks though, because I try to be trustworthy, and I don't understand why others don't at least try.
I mean, I have failed plenty of times and quite spectacularly too, but I like to think that I try.

Anyways, I am beginning to realise that my rights decrease as my responsibilities increase, and I'm finding that I'm ok with that. It was just the realising that's tough. Like Paul says in Corinthians, be careful that the exercise of your freedom isn't a stumbling block to others. I may have the freedom to do all things, but if I want to be true to my calling, I must remember 'others first'. I could always throw the towel in, but it's worth so much more than that!


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